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Habakkuk 3:9

Lesson # Habakkuk 3:9
Study Material - Habakkuk 3:9

You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Habakkuk 3:9

9 Thy bow [qesheth] was made quite [eryah] naked [uwr] , according to the oaths [shabuw`ah] of the tribes [matteh] , even thy word [omer] . Selah [celah] . Thou didst cleave [baqa] the earth [erets] with rivers [nahar] . KJV-Interlinear

9 Thy bow was made bare, The rods of chastisement were sworn. Selah. Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers. NASB

Ex. 15:3
3 'The LORD is a warrior; The LORD is His name. NASB

God is never asleep. He is always prepared with His sword drawn from its sheath, His bow always prepared. Made bare means that the bow is not put away where is cannot be used, but is drawn (made bare), and always ready to use against His enemies.

Deut. 32:41
41 If I sharpen My flashing sword, And My hand takes hold on justice, I will render vengeance on My adversaries, And I will repay those who hate Me. NASB

All of Deuteronomy 32 paints a picture of God as a warrior and His readiness to do battle against all evil. He is history's ultimate warrior.

In eternity past, the doctrines of God existed. There has never been a time when Gods Word did not exist. Righteousness and Justice demand an existence free from blemish and a cleansing of all defects. That has been true in eternity past and is true now.

God has sworn by virtue of these principles, that all evil will be vanquished, with no trace left.

Selah. This simply means that the band play on. The music plays on without interruption. God grace, Gods plan, all that is under Gods control continues through history without so much as a hiccup, or the skipping of a beat.

There is nothing that man can do to change Gods plan. There is nothing that mankind can do to prevent Gods plan.

While man tries to bring the world together under one rule, under one philosophy, under one common purpose (all by the way lead ultimately to evil, and atrocities, and the ultimate destruction of mankind), then God cleaves the world with divisions so as to keep humanity safe and prevent its self destruction.

Man is given volition so that no one group can think for all. Each person has the ability to think for himself. God gave man marriage and family units to preserve and perpetuate the human race. All alternate life styles are evil attacks against this concept. God gave man nations so that no one nation could rule and subdue people into slavery. When oppression strikes, then those who are oppressed have somewhere to run, they have someone to look to for their relief and rescue. God gave man all of the laws of establishment in order to offset the laws of the jungle and preserve humanity.

Likewise God gave man salvation and the spiritual life so that man could ultimately escape the worldly ball and chains that would hold Him down and destroy Him.

Rivers bring floods of destruction which keep evil in check. Rivers also bring blessings to promote the better life. A life which is far better than the default life which the jungle provides. Then there is the river of doctrine which brings an eternal judgment, and an eternal evaluation and reward, and an eternal life which far exceeds anything imaginable.

The world will kick and fight to take control of life for itself, but Jesus Christ controls history, and from Him, the promises, of judgment and blessing, whichever is appropriate, are certain.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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