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Job 18:19



19 He shall neither have son [niyn] nor nephew [neked] among his people [`am], nor any remaining [sariyd] in his dwellings [maguwr]. KJV-Interlinear



19 'He has no offspring or posterity among his people, Nor any survivor where he sojourned. NASB



Bildad is nearly finished with his description of the wicked person. We are using the phrase 'spiritually negative,' to describe all people who are in some form or another, wicked.


Some folks are wicked to the maximum, and some folks are just 'casually wicked.' If you'll permit the use of that phrase to describe negative folks who are wicked because of their indifference toward, or misuse of, doctrine, but are otherwise law-abiding citizens.


As the life of the negative person advances through life, his soul deteriorates until it is thoroughly void of everything meaningful and useful and valuable, for his life.


Typically, the terms offspring and posterity refer to ones immediate children, and ones distant or non-sired descendants, such as grandchildren and so forth.


Survivor, is a description of anyone, even non-family folks, who have journeyed through the same or similar lifestyle as the wicked person. Needless to say, those folks are wicked, or spiritually negative, also.


But, we know that other people, and how other people live, do not have any relevance to our own specific life. That is, they have no control over our own personal soul. Each person lives his own life. He may subscribe to the influence of others, but that is a choice of volition, and is not a basis for an excuse for being spiritually negative.


When one is positive toward God, then God provides adequate resources to help one get through life, no matter what their life's circumstances might be. But when one is negative toward God, then those spiritual resources are obviously ignored, and therefore never obtained. The spiritually negative person chooses to live his own life in this world, and use his own resources for getting along in this world.


Those worldly resources are inadequate at their very best, and they add up to zero when they are at their most productive state.


In other words, this world gives you nothing to boast about for this life, or in the next.


Ones own children are the products of ones own efforts. You can figure that one out, I'm sure.


Ones own grandchildren are due to the efforts of others. You just happen to be in the pedigree data.


Now, both positive folks and negative folks have children and grandchildren. So this is obviously not a reference to ones human offspring. It is a reference to ones meaningfulness, or lack of it, in life.


Back in Jobs day, having children was considered a magnificent blessing, and not having children was considered to be a sort of curse on ones life.


In the spiritual life, having spiritual children, or spiritual production, results in magnificent blessing, and having no spiritual production is a form of curse. You can have either something resulting from your life, or nothing. Which do you suppose would be considered the best legacy for ones life?


The spiritually negative person has nothing to show for their life, when their life is finished on this earth. And for that, they can say 'Thank you,' to them self.


Not only is their life productiveless, but they can even extend the meaning of their life to everyone around them - their friends, their neighbors, even to strangers. And to that end, their productiveness can be multiplied by the huge number, zero.


In short, Bildad is describing the spiritually negative person as a person of no meaning, a person who has no home, no family, no productivity, and so forth. The spiritually negative person is a spiritual vagabond, vagrant, tramp, beggar, drifter, or a hobo. Someone without a home. Someone sojourning now here and now there, throughout life, for the short time of their life, adding up to a grand total of nothing for their life.


This person can be a tyrant or law-abiding, a billionaire or a peon.


Ones earthly status is irrelevant. Ones spiritual status in life is everything.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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