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Job 36:30



30 Behold, he spreadeth [paras] his light ['owr] upon it, and covereth [kacah] the bottom [sheresh] of the sea [yam]. KJV-Interlinear



30 'Behold, He spreads His lightning about Him, And He covers the depths of the sea. NASB



God is omnipresent. Note quickly how Elihu is describing several of the characteristics of God.


Elihu describes the highest of places and the lowest of places. God is in both simultaneously.


In the heights of the clouds, with but a single flash of lightning, He illuminates the heavens, even in the night time.


If you have ever seen a night lightning storm, the visual effects can be awesome. You get quick snippets of cloud formations, silhouettes, and snapshot images of motion from wind and trees and such.


And such is life. With every single day of your life, you have snapshots of Gods presence. Many, you may not see, but occasionally you will see something that catches your eye, if even for a single moment. That image is printed into your thoughts and may help guide you back to doctrine.


Likewise, God can be found in the depths of the oceans, where there is virtually no light whatsoever. But even at the bottom of the sea, Gods presence is felt.


No doubt, Elihu has heard stories from sailors, fishermen, divers of pearls, and such, who have seen the darkness's perhaps at night, in their sea experiences.


And while there is virtually no light, Gods presence is still there.


God is everywhere. Gods presence can be witnessed everywhere. God is everywhere simultaneously. There is nowhere that God is not. Therefore, all of creation, all of life, every one of you, has potential access to God at every moment throughout your life.


The only thing preventing you is, you.


What you think is what you are. And what you think, determines the level of access you will enjoy, or miss out on, with God.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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