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Josh. 4:10-14

Lesson # Josh. 4:10-14
Study Material - Josh. 4:10-14

You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Josh. 4:10-14

10 For the priests who carried the ark were standing in the middle of the Jordan until everything was completed that the LORD had commanded Joshua to speak to the people, according to all that Moses had commanded Joshua. And the people hurried and crossed; 11 and it came about when all the people had finished crossing, that the ark of the LORD and the priests crossed before the people. 12 And the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh crossed over in battle array before the sons of Israel, just as Moses had spoken to them; 13 about 40,000, equipped for war, crossed for battle before the LORD to the desert plains of Jericho. 14 On that day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; so that they revered him, just as they had revered Moses all the days of his life.

Moses commanded Joshua in a former time to follow the divine direction, to deliver to the people that which he received from the Lord, and to take all occasions to remind them of their duty to God and doctrine.

The priests stood holding the Ark until all of these events had come to their completion. The population was hurrying across but there was no need for hurry. The God of Abraham held the universe together, so these waters was nothing to His strength.

Joshua did nothing without first consulting God, and he did everything that God commanded. There was a sense of urgency when it came to obeying the commands. There should be a sense of urgency in each of our lives as we hurry to our daily Bible study, to learn and grow, and advance to that place across the Jordan's of our lives, into the promised land of spiritual maturity.

But even when we are in the land, there are still tests remaining. Often in maturity the tests are greater, but the miracles and rewards are greater as well. And, the process of meeting each test remains the same. Stand fast. God will do all of the work. We merely continue as before and study, and learn and continue to grow even more.

Urgency can come from a variety of sources. Some might have hurried because their spiritual life was weak and they wanted to get across before the waters might somehow drop down on them before they made it. Weak trust in God. Others might have hurried because they did not want to insult God, thinking that they were taking their time on purpose. Still others probably hurried simply because they saw people hurrying. Not knowing why they were hurrying they, without knowledge, were whisked along in the emotion of the moment.

So it is with our lives. We hurry because we do not trust God. We get caught up in our own plans because Gods plans do not seem to be moving fast enough for us. We may get caught up in the social pressures of life and follow the crowd because it seems to be the best thing to do. After all if others are doing it, it must be right!!

You can be certain that there were some that di take their time. Their spiritual knowledge led them in faith and trust in God. He said He would hold back the waters until all had passed across. The promise was enough. So those who were mature, crossed over in a controlled and poised manner. Taking care that all their family, flocks, herds, and belongings made it across in a timely manner without injury. Panic was not necessary. Not the tiniest of feet, nor hoof was left behind.

The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh sent their armed men across first in the lead of the giant procession. Naturally if God could stop the Jordan, then those who first crossed into enemy territory would be quite safe. The hearts of the inhabitants of the land were melting away and not likely to attack in the face of a miracle especially while it was happening. Even if they did attack, then the Israelites trust in God would be their armor and defense.

Even though Joshua repeated the commands that were given him by God, the origin of those instructions was clear, and since they came from God and were conveyed to Joshua, then the people would accept him as their commander and leader more readily, and without question. Any organization that lacks trust in its leadership is doomed to unhappy membership, disruption, and failure.

But people should evaluate those in leadership by means of wisdom not miracles. Wisdom comes by learning Bible doctrine. Unfortunately too many people fall for the salesman personality, the fast talk, the smile, the popular beliefs, public opinion. People are easily impressed by power, or human ability, or things that seem to appeal to their ego or lusts. Politicians appeal to your concern for the 'children', or 'welfare', or social programs in which government will do all things for you. But these are always empty promises. They sound good, but have no content on which they are based. Man who depends on man is doomed. Man who depends on government programs is doomed. Man who depends on God is delivered and prospered. People cannot prosper you. Government cannot prosper you. Only God can bring prosperity to you.

Yet despite their spiritual growth, the Israelites had been following Moses for 40 years and to just change to another leader overnight, and in the face of an invasion of the land, was quite a large thing to ask. God reassures them by issuing commands through Joshua. Jesus is a Greek word. The Hebrew equivalent is Joshua. So Joshua was commanding Joshua, who repeated the commands to the people.

The crossing is now complete. The Ark was the first to enter the river, and will now be the last to cross over. Jesus Christ is the first and the last. Nothing in life happens without His knowledge or permission. Jesus Christ controls history.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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