Copyright © 2011 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

2 Timothy 1:14


14 That good thing [kalos] which was committed unto thee [parakatatheke] keep [phulasso] by [dia] the Holy [hagios] Ghost [pneuma] which [ho] dwelleth [enoikeo] in [en] us. [hemin] KJV-Interlinear


14 Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you. NASB


God has the power to guard that which we have entrusted to Him, namely our faith, and so too, God has the power to guard that which He has given to us, namely salvation, eternal life, doctrine, our spiritual life and so forth. And God does this by means of the Holy Spirit.

Before the Cross, Jesus promised a Helper, the Holy Spirit. Just before His Ascension, He promised again that Helper, which was given initially at Pentecost, but subsequently to every believer at the moment of their initial belief in Christ.

All three members of the Trinity indwell each and every believer. That is a unique spiritual state that had never occurred in history prior to our current dispensation.

The deposit of our lives is secure in Christ, and likewise, the deposit of truth, which He places in us, through doctrine, is secure, through the residence of the Holy Spirit, in us.

The good thing, is a reference to the entire spectrum of the spiritual life which we have access to through doctrine and our spiritual growth.

Dwelleth, is a reference to a permanent home, not a temporary home, but one that will never end. And that in part, becomes the fundamental principle of eternal security. God in us, means that He will never leave, which means that each believer is guaranteed eternal life and can never lose it. Not for any reason.

There is nothing that you can do to lose your salvation. Once you believed in Christ, you are born again into His family, and once born, you cannot unborn yourself.

The Holy Spirit then becomes an integral aspect of our spiritual life. When in fellowship, the Holy Spirit is in control of our spiritual status. It is by means of the Holy Spirit that our spiritual life, functions.

Therefore, Pauls statement here, to guard through the Spirit, which is to say, retain control over your spiritual life by being in fellowship as much as is humanly possible. And that simply means that you need to be in constant review of your spiritual status and confess often as is necessary in order to remain in fellowship.

Treasure, is something of immense value, and that is what your spiritual life is, immensely valuable. It is your greatest possession possible.

For by doctrine and your spiritual growth, you build up spiritual productivity and thus reward in heaven. And that reward is infinite as your life is eternal. So reward given will last forever. Reward not given, as in the case of unproductive believers, means a loss of immense value, infinite value.

If you could happen upon a treasure chest that contained infinite wealth for you, what would you do to protect it?

And while some might think that is nothing more than a fairy tale, it actually is a reality of the spiritual life, and it is certainly available to each and every believer. Unfortunately most do not connect the dots and realize it.

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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
