Copyright © 2011 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

2 Timothy 4:12


12 And [de] Tychicus [Tuchikos] have I sent [apostello] to [eis] Ephesus. [Ephesos] KJV-Interlinear


12 But Tychicus I have sent to Ephesus. NASB


Tychicus, pronounced, 'Tik i kus,' is mentioned in Acts 20, Eph 6, Col. 4, Titus 3 and here.

Not much is known about Tychicus except that he delivered messages on a regular basis. One can presume that it was these letters and perhaps other correspondence that he carried between the churches. He communicated the affairs of Paul to those whom he visited, and he helped present the case for Onesimus in Colossae.

Tychicus was with Paul for a very long time and remained with Paul through his various journeys and imprisonment. He was obviously well liked and trusted, and dependable.

His name means, chance, fortuitous, fortunate, but other than that there is very little known about him.

It appears that into Pauls life, along came Tychicus which became a fortunate relationship for both men. Since his name means chance, then this meeting between the two was neither planned nor came together through training, but was one of those things that just happened.

And that is the key to this verse.

Often times, things just happen in life. We neither look for them, plan for them, nor even expect them. They just happen.

Life is filled with hopes and dreams and plans and goals, and then there is the unexpected.

And often times what we start out wanting, takes an unexpected turn that sharply points us in some other unexpected direction, or something comes totally out of the blue and into our life. Often it takes years of hindsight before we realize that it really was God through odd sets of circumstances, either by choices we made or did not make, or by circumstances beyond our control, that has brought us to where we are.

Sometimes these things are difficult for us, and sometimes they are pleasant, but regardless of what has occurred in our life, we need to remember that all things work together for good. And in this case it is for our own good.

The plans of man are numerous. The plans of man are worthless.

Gods plan is perfect and often times He has to put us through a variety of changes, or brings something or someone into our life in order to get us on track with His plan, which was specifically designed for us.

To recognize this early on, makes life easier for us. To constantly fight Gods plan, mandates, expectations, responsibilities and so forth only serves to postpone, delay, or ruin a life that could otherwise be phenomenal.

Your conception and birth into this world was by chance as far as the world goes. Your early life and circumstances of life were by chance, and not of your choice. Even things that happen during your life, happen in order to test your poise and character.

But now, through doctrine, you have every opportunity to make your next life phenomenal. Only you can ruin it for yourself.

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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
