Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

1 Thessalonians 5:14



Bible Study Notebook



14 Now [de] we exhort [parakaleo] you, [humas] brethren, [adelphos] warn [noutheteo] them that are unruly, [ataktos] comfort [paramutheomai] the feebleminded, [oligopsuchos] support [antechomai] the weak, [asthenes] be patient [makrothumeo] toward [pros] all [pas] men. KJV-Interlinear



14 And we urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all men. NASB



We have been studying the role that God has prepared for those who teach the scriptures, and the role that God has prepared for all people, in general.


God has laid out a role for everyone who has ever lived in history, and certainly for everyone who is alive today.


In so doing, God has made provision for the needs and wants and situations for every human being. Bible doctrine being their primary provision, and logistical support for the needs of life through their personal spiritual growth, or indirectly through the principles of divine establishment.


At some point in everyone's life, there will come a time when they will wish or hope that they could have something more, in order to give help and comfort to all who are in need of help.Some wish for it. Some pray for it. Some strive for it.


But remember, this is the devils world.Suffering exists by default because of that principle.But also, all people possess by default, a basic intuition or instinct regarding good and evil, and everyone knows of God and the possibilities of what God has to offer humanity.Most folks simply disregard God in their life.Thus the suffering of the world takes precedent over their lives.


God has a plan for everyone.It is a good plan, but most reject that plan.Your wishing or wanting to superimpose your views and aid for those in need, if taken out of context from Bible doctrine, serves as a direct insult toward God and an application of your own self righteousness toward life.


Here is a simple example.Remember our study of Moses a very long time ago.Moses was the Crown Prince of Egypt and was to be the next Pharaoh. He had at his disposal all of the wealth of Egypt, and more, almost within his grasp.He knew of his heritage and he intended to use his role as Pharaoh to help his people.


But that was not Gods plan. If the worlds resources of evil were used to help people then they would in effect be getting no help at all. The world and its resources can never help anything or anyone.


So, God placed Moses in a situation whereby Moses killed an Egyptian and was forced to flee from Egypt.Moses was gone for forty years, in order to teach him Gods will, and not Pharaohs.


Moses returned not with wealth and power, but with a rod of wood, and nothing more. And the power of God freed the Israelites, not a decree of Pharaoh.


Government regulations, welfare disbursements, social programs, good intentions, never help anyone.


God provides doctrine, but people must work for their blessing. That work, defined in James, is called learning, and understanding, and applying, growing up, and being responsible. And from that, God provides everything a person needs in this world, in order to survive, and to prepare for eternity.


So, if you inherit or win or earn the big bucks, do not get it in your head that you will solve the worlds problems with your wealth.You won t do anything but set yourself up for disappointment.


Our country has been giving away money by the trillions, and yet unemployment has doubled in the last year and foreclosures have shot off the charts. If the wealthiest nation cannot solve the basic problems that have existed in human history forever, then what could you possibly do?


The answer is not through carnal systems, but through spiritual resources. God is the ultimate provider and God has unlimited and infinite resources.


Charity and generally helping people is a good thing, but that is only a band-aid until the real solution, Bible doctrine, enters into their life.


So, Paul here commands that we admonish and warn the fainthearted and weak, and encourage them.


Who are the unruly, the fainthearted and the weak?These are spiritual terms for those who lack spiritual resources.


The unruly are those who lack arrangement within their souls. Doctrine is the only information resource that can arrange the soul. Without arrangement within ones soul, means insubordination toward truth and toward God.Therefore, the spiritually deficient person is unruly or rebellious toward truth. They pursue their own ideas, whether good or bad.


The fainthearted and the weak are those who lack spiritual stamina and strength. This comes from a lack of spiritual growth.


Therefore be tolerant, be patient, be uncomplaining with those who lack proper perspective in life.Without spiritual resources they are their own worst enemies.But hopefully time, doctrine and perhaps mistakes will teach them the error of their ways and direct them toward better times in life.

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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
