Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

1 Timothy 2:2





2 For [huper] kings, [basileus] and [kai] for all [pas] that are [on] in [en] authority; [huperoche] that [hina] we may lead [diago] a quiet [eremos] and [kai] peaceable [hesuchios] life [bios] in [en] all [pas] godliness [eusebeia] and [kai] honesty. [semnotes] KJV-Interlinear



2 for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. NASB



Do not constrain your prayers to family and friends, but to all people, both known and unknown.


And especially to those who are in authority.




Well, you probably will not like most of the folks who have places of authority in life. Whether it be the boss, or the national leaders, it makes no difference. Prayer is for their awakening to truth and to their proper role in life, which is not to oppress, or not for their personal gain and power, but the role of leaders is to promote an environment that is compatible with freedom and liberty, and peace and prosperity, without oppressive regulatory burdens, for all of the citizens or members, and an environment which is in their best interest, not that of the leader.


A tranquil and quiet life is the objective of anyone's life. Tranquility means the absence of external disturbances in ones life.Quiet, means the absence of internal disturbances in ones life. These disturbances include all sorts of pressures and burdens that exist in the world.


This is translated even within our own national constitution in freedom, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness.


These things are entitled to people without government or legislative coercion, mandates, or trickery.


And without prayer, then the world is subject to all manner of power struggles and lust struggles.


If everyone were saved, if everyone were believers in Christ, if everyone pursued their spiritual life to maturity, then with prayers so voluminous to God, the peace and prosperity in the world would jump way off the charts.


Look at any western country, or any country with Christian roots. You will find phenomenal prosperity, phenomenal innovation, phenomenal opportunity.


Look at any country that invests their roots in religion. They lack innovation, and originality, and what they do have comes to them from the prosperous Christian countries. Without that connection, they would be living in the stone age, and most of them do anyway.


Only when there is some semblance of freedom of Christian faith, does prosperity or any form of opportunity, become available.


Where ever you find religious influence in society, you find oppression, poverty, and hardships, prejudice, and the lack of opportunity. Especially for women and those who are not in power.


The only way to turn that around, is through prayer.


And what really happens in society?People do not pray, or people pray incorrectly.And that means their prayers have no affect on their life or on society in general. And the lack of prayer is a form of sin, in that people are not obedient to this mandate, or they are out of fellowship anyway, and therefore living in sin s influence anyway.


That means trouble and difficulties in life.


This prayer does not call of for the removal of leaders, but for their enlightenment.


This prayer does not force the believer to submit to oppressive legislation. Everyone has the right to do that which is responsible in society, like vote, run for office, etc. You just cannot rebel against the authority with the objective of destroying it. Abusive and tyrannical authorities are another matter. However, prayer fuels the divine power to destroy fortresses, 2 Cor. 10:4.


The objective of prayer for authorities, or those things that exist beyond your control, is to obtain a peaceful environment, and then within the peaceful environment, the objective of life is to be able to advance in ones spiritual life, trouble free.


It is far better and easier to advance in ones spiritual life when there is no trouble, no pressure, no turmoil, in ones life.


But alas, people do not pray, people do not conform to Gods mandates, people just are not interested in Gods plan, but are only in their own self defined plan for life.


And when society turns away from God by not conforming to Gods rules, then God removes honorable leaders, removes doctrinal opportunities, allows troubles to develop in society, troubles of their own design, and the general population does not get it. They do not understand.That is until things go really bad, Isa. 57.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
