Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

1 Timothy 2:12





12 But [de] I suffer [epitrepo] not [ou] a woman [gune] to teach, [didasko] nor [oude] to usurp authority [authenteo] over the man, [aner] but [alla] to be [einai] in [en] silence. [hesuchia] KJV-Interlinear



12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. NASB



With all that we have covered, here Paul seems to throw a curve at us with regard to the female role in life.Or did he?


Remember, we live in this devils world.The world is divisive, prejudiced, unfair, and certainly tries to create all sorts of artificial classes among people.Whether divided by social status, economic status, race, color, culture, or gender, the world is adamant in its attempt to make everyone unequal, some superior, and others inferior.


And that only serves to spark discontent or inordinate competition among people. After all, Satan wants only disruption in Gods plan.Therefore, when you fall prey to bitterness because of seemingly artificial inequalities, then you by default, adopt Satans policy for confrontation, and the many resultant ill feelings that accompany it.


The Bible teaches equality among all peoples, and especially between the sexes.


I know. You can quote this passage and the passages in 1 Cor. 11 and 1 Cor. 14 as examples of female subordination, but that is because you have no clue as to what these passages really teach.


The prevailing view of the womans role did not come from the Old Testament or from the New Testament, it came from the world in general.


The Old Testament affirmed that women have a spiritual status equal to that of men. The Mosaic law was given to all Israel, women as well as men, Deut 1:1. Both men and women were to teach it to their children, Deut 6:4-7; Prov 6:20. Protection of the law applies equally to women, Ex 21:28-32. Women have inheritance rights, Num 36:1-12. Men and women participated in the Jewish religious feasts, Ex 12:3; Deut 16:9-15. The Nazirite vow, was open to both men and women, Num 6:2. Women were involved in spiritual service, Ex 38:8; Neh 7:67. God did not hesitate to deal directly with women, Gen 3:13; 16:7-13; Judg 13:3. Deborah served as a judge, Judg 4:4-5:31. Miriam, Ex 15:20, Deborah, Judg 4:4, Huldah, 2 Kings 22:14, and Isaiah's wife, Isa 8:3 are called prophetesses although their roles were limited.


The New Testament teaches absolute spiritual equality, Gal 3:28.


The New Testament does not treat women as inferiors. The seed of the savior was promised and provision made through, a woman.A woman gave birth to the humanity of Jesus.The first person to whom Jesus revealed Himself as Messiah was a woman, John 4:25-26. Jesus healed women, Mark 5:25-34; Luke 13:11-13,). He taught women, Luke 10:38-42 (quite the contrast to religions like Islam). Women ministered to Jesus and the disciples, Luke 8:2-3. Jesus appeared first, following His resurrection, to a woman, Mark 16:9; John 20:11-18. Women and men were involved in the prayer services of the early church, Acts 1:13-14. Peter reminds men that women are to be honored as fellow heirs of the grace of life, 1 Peter 3:7. The fruit of the Spirit belong to both men and women, Gal 5:21-22. All the promises, commands, and blessings of the New Testament apply equally to women and men.


And even though there are many examples and promises of equalities within the spiritual realm, for both men and women, we all still live in this devils world, and it is the world that often times dictates how we behave. That is where tolerance and humility come into our lives.


It is a mans world, and authority leans heavily toward the male of the species, whether you like it or not. By the very nature of the relative roles between men and women, the male is the one who drives and the female is the one who typically holds the passive role, or the stabilizing role.


Remove the women and what would the men be doing?Running all over the place conquering and generally spreading havoc, while looking for the women.


And then once women are introduced to the scenario, then society tends to slow down, having babies, families and communities, etc. But despite their influence, authority still remains generally with the male.


Since society has a driving force behind it, when you fight against that force, then you only introduce yourself to trouble.And this is one of those instances where it is better to go with the flow, than to fight it, since the flow in this case actually contributes to the stability of society, in the form of authority.


Looking around you can see the obvious dominant role of men and the subordinate role of women. This difference does not make one superior or inferior, it only places a relative role in society on each party.


Therefore Paul here uses that scenario, to advise (for this is not a command, you will notice).


If I advise you to not run out in the busy street, if I advise you to not jump off a tall building, if I advise you to get an education, do these restrict your freedom to choose for yourself?No. They are good advice, which will help you have a better life.


And that is the view here.Authority is only restricted, in the teaching of the scriptures, to the men. Paul never restricts women in any other role. You can be a teacher, a mother, an astronaut, a scientist, a ditch digger, a whatever in life.


The trouble comes when inordinate competition enters in to the picture because of one gender trying to prove themselves equal because of their gender, rather than competing on the merits of the work.Or when one gender brings inordinate competition into a relationship because of ego or selfishness, at the expense of the relationship.


What happens in these cases?Unhappiness, hate, revenge, divorce, etc.


When Jesus first came into the world, he came, in a humble subordinate role. He assumed authority and command over no one. And, He accomplished His objective, which was purchasing our salvation.


When Paul stated that God is the head of Christ, and Christ was the head of every man, and the man the head of his wife, we know that both God and Christ are equal, and that spiritually, men and women are equal, however, society must have stability and that requires authority and respect for that arrangement, otherwise the ensuing disruption would serve to destroy society.And that is what Satan would want, of course.


A subordinate role is not an inferior role, but a compliance with Gods organization and will, so that your life can be more than you would ever get out of this world, from within a stable society, and not through a chaotic society.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
